
If you are going to build, you need geotechnical engineering. It is literally the foundation of a strong project.

To get you started on the right foot, we explore, test and study soil, rock and underground water. These studies inform us of how materials that lie beneath behave under loads and pressure. The results affect design, construction and operation of engineering projects.

It’s our extensive knowledge of soil mechanics and geology, diverse and complex project experience, and understanding of structures that allow us to effectively design a subsurface exploration program. We also interpret the data and utilize the results to assist in successful foundation and site design. In addition to helping design and construct sound, safe structures, we like to make clients aware of opportunities during the geotechnical engineering phase. We’ll help facilitate decisions that can improve budget and schedule further down the road.

By combining innovation and skill, Geotechnology provides cost-effective solutions for a multitude of geotechnical projects.

These include design, consulting, testing and monitoring. A team of geotechnical professional engineers, registered geologists, field representatives and laboratory technicians collaborate to produce quality, reliable results in a timely manner and advise clients throughout the process. Our geotechnical services team has successfully completed projects for groups of all kinds. We’ve serviced various government agencies, public and private industrial institutions, developers, architectural and engineering firms and construction companies.

Geotechnology laboratories are accredited by nationally recognized accreditation programs. Testing of soils and concrete for the determination of engineering properties is performed in accordance with the appropriate accreditations as dictated by the project requirements.

Geotechnology engineers working at project site


Crosshole sonic logging

Dewatering and groundwater recovery

Downhole camera observation

Excavation and shoring


Geotechnical & foundation engineering

Geotechnical instrumentation

Groundwater pumping tests

High-strain dynamic pile testing

In situ soils testing and instrumentation

Materials testing

Low Strain Pile Integrity Testing

Pre-construction Wave Equation Analysis

Seismology, site specific seismic analysis and earthquake engineering

Site evaluation

Slope stability analysis

Soil, rock, and materials laboratory testing

Static load tests

Subsurface exploration

Surface and borehole geophysics

Tunneling testing and monitoring

Value engineering

Vibration monitoring