Connecting the Dots in Deep Foundation Testing

Our world is becoming more connected and data-driven every day. But in the world of deep foundation testing, disconnected data and disconnected people can cause complications and delays for project teams and project leaders.

At Geotechnology, we have a reputation of being totally connected on every level of our work, especially in the areas of technology and commitment. That is why we have such long-term partners, and why we are sometimes asked to “step in” on projects when disconnects happen. Our extensive experience, knowledge and our reliability consistently make a difference.

Disconnected Data

Deep foundation testing is a powerful asset for evaluating the integrity or capacity of foundation elements and guiding decision-making. Examples of deep foundation testing include high-strain dynamic pile testing, low strain integrity testing, crosshole sonic logging and thermal integrity profiling.  But while it can certainly give you the headline, it takes an experienced professional to give you the full story.

Not only do experienced professionals understand the benefits and limitations of deep foundation testing methods, they can interpret the data and, most importantly, reconcile that data with the firsthand accounts provided by contractors as part of an ongoing conversation. For example, discussing a contractor’s concrete placement methods in a drilled shaft to determine the root cause of an anomaly in the data.

Put simply, it takes an experienced professional to connect the dots between data points, discussions and decisions, giving you a truly comprehensive understanding of the situation. The risk of inexperience causing your deep foundations to be misdiagnosed is especially high when using a low bid approach to consultant selection. Problems can result in project delays, increased cost and additional stress on the contractor’s staff.

Disconnected People

Our long-time partners and clients can attest to how critical it is to have people who are truly engaged in their deep foundation testing. From delays due to lack of communication, many project issues can be traced back to disconnected people. For example, poor communication from firms that travel long distances for testing can result in a lack of available staff and testing delays.

Geotechnology staff members are fully invested in their work. They commit to clear communication with their clients, and complete cooperation with all other parties on the team.

Having experienced staff performing the tests and accurately assessing the deep foundations of a project can reduce delays and complications that could become astronomically expensive in both cost and reputation for your organization. You reduce risks by doing the testing. You should also reduce risks by choosing the right team.

To connect the dots on your next deep foundation testing project, connect with Geotechnology first. Our team of experienced professionals is the most comprehensive solution to ensuring that your project and your business are on solid ground.

Craig Kaibel, P.E. is the Specialty Testing Manager and can be reached at 314- 997-7440 or

To learn more about Deep Foundation Testing, please visit our website!

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