Geotechnology Takes on St. Louis Green Business Challenge

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St. Louis Green Business Challenge logo

Geotechnology enrolled in the St. Louis Green Business Challenge, a program spearheaded by the St. Louis Regional Chamber & Growth Association (RCGA) to help companies take steps toward sustainable business practices. The program, which began in February and concludes in October 2010, requires companies to determine their green baseline and then take the necessary steps to improve their score by implementing sustainable practices over the course of nine months. Sixty companies and organizations are enrolled in the Challenge. The program scorecard measures achievements in six areas:

  • Forming Company Green Teams
  • Improving Energy Efficiency
  • Raising Indoor Environmental Quality
  • Reducing Waste
  • Reducing Water Usage
  • Providing Clean Transportation Options

Geotechnology’s goal is to be a better steward for the environment through its own operations and to increase its sustainable knowledge and practice to serve as a better resource and trusted advisor to its clients.

The firm has performed the baseline assessment scorecard and is working to enhance its existing efforts, some of which include web-based reporting for materials testing field reports reducing paper waste, recycling approximately 3,800 cubic yards of concrete per year from field samples, and recycling 192 cubic yards of metal from metal sampling tubes and laboratory supplies. Geotechnology’s Green Team, which was established in 2007, is engaging the whole firm in identifying areas of improvement and implementing solutions and new procedures.

To learn more about the program, click here.

To read Geotechnology’s Sustainability Policy, click here.

To learn about Geotechnology’s sustainable efforts, contact Mike Roark, RG, LEED AP.