Natural Systems Consulting Services

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Geotechnology engineers working at project site

Natural Systems Consulting

NaturalSystemsConsulting1Are you considering a new development or improvements to an existing development? Depending on the size and location of your site, you may benefit from natural systems consulting services. Should your site possess water features that might be considered Waters of the United States (WOUS), the development may require Section 404/401 permitting. WOUS include waterbodies such as streams, ponds, and wetlands that are protected by the Clean Water Act (CWA). Under Sections 404 and 401 of the CWA, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and state natural resource agencies, respectively, maintain jurisdiction over the filling and dredging of WOUS, including wetlands.

Since 1991, Geotechnology has been offering natural systems and wetlands consulting services to guide clients through the regulations and to provide cost-effective, ecological solutions for their project sites. These services assist clients on projects from initial due diligence delineations and biological surveys, to final monitoring of mitigation areas. Through our years of experience with projects of varying complexity, we’ve established excellent relationships with regulatory agencies including the USACE, various state natural resource agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). We can assist with wetland and WOUS delineations, Section 404/401 permit applications, alternatives analysis, public notice comment responses, stream or wetland mitigation plans, and mitigation monitoring.

Endangered Species Consultation

NaturalSystemsConsulting3Additionally, we provide threatened and endangered species consultation, including bat habitat assessments. In recent years, a fungal disease called white nose syndrome, has killed millions of bats in North America. As a result of the spread of the disease, USFWS has been looking more closely at potential bat habitats, including small stands of trees that may be used by bats for roosting or foraging. Should your development require tree removal, you may need a bat habitat assessment and USFWS consultation to facilitate site permitting.

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