Newsroom: Materials Testing
Under subcontract to Black and Veatch Corporation, Geotechnology, Inc. provided various services in support of design and construction for the new 665-megawatt pulverized coal-fired Plum Point power plant. The plant is located a few miles south of Osceola, Arkansas. Our services included drilling, sampling, geophysical, specialty geotechnical testing, and laboratory testing Plum Point Project Background
Geotechnology has provided construction observation and material testing services for the following municipal projects for the City of Lawrence under our existing multi-year on-call contract: 6th and Iowa Intersection 9th St, Emery to Michigan 23rd and Iowa Intersection 31st St. Extension, Haskell to O’Connell Bob Billings Parkway, Kasold to Crestline Bob Billings Parkway and Iowa
Geotechnology has provided construction inspection and materials testing for the City of Blue Springs under a multi-year contract since 2008. A sample of the projects include Woods Chapel Road Improvements – Phase I and II, Route 7, Adams Dairy Parkway and Maintenance Building Addition. We’ve also worked on the Public Works Facility Expansion, Salt Storage
The Phase II Centene tower project includes redevelopment of a site at the southeast corner of Forsyth Boulevard and South Hanley Road in Clayton, Missouri. The proposed development includes two below grade levels, and up to 28 above grade levels for a hotel, office and garage. Geotechnology performed a subsurface exploration for this project. We
The Cannelton Hydroelectric project is located on the Kentucky shore of the Cannelton Locks and Dam located on the Ohio River 721 miles below Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is three miles upstream from Cannelton, Indiana. The navigation locks are located on the right descending bank or Indiana side of the river. The upper pool maintained above
The Abengoa Ethanol Plant project featured the design and construction of a new 88-million-gallon-per-year ethanol production facility, located in America’s Central Port. The facility will use about 32 million bushels of corn annually. The plant will incorporate the latest energy conservation technologies and efficiencies to reduce emissions, energy consumption and ethanol production costs. Abengoa Ethanol