City of Blue Springs Public Works office exterior

City of Blue Springs, Public Works Projects

Location: Blue Springs, Missouri

Client: City of Blue Springs

Services: Construction Inspection, Materials Testing


Geotechnology has provided construction inspection and materials testing for the City of Blue Springs under a multi-year contract since 2008. A sample of the projects include Woods Chapel Road Improvements – Phase I and II, Route 7, Adams Dairy Parkway and Maintenance Building Addition. We’ve also worked on the Public Works Facility Expansion, Salt Storage Building, and Howard L. Brown Public Safety Building.

Blue Springs Public Works Projects Background

Primary duties have included construction observation, field and laboratory material testing, documentation and review of daily field reports. Materials tested include soils, concrete, base rock, asphaltic concrete, and masonry. Observation services include foundations, stabilized subgrades, structural steel, structural masonry, MSE walls, reinforcing steel, and concrete and asphaltic concrete paving.